Add a Tutorial

We highly suggest that you create an account with our site first, although it isn't required.

Please note: Our site only accepts step by step instuctions on the building of a prop. We do not accept listings just to show off a finished prop. No design is to big or too small to be included but it must be Haunt related, please.

We accept the following:

A link to your web page containing the How To.
A link to your Youtube Video of the tutorial
A word document containing your written tutorial with Photos.

Please fill out the form below to add your tutorial.

Please have a picture of your finished prop ready to upload BEFORE you fill out the form.

Your Information

The name you want included with your tutorial. It can be your real name or your Haunt name.
<-Your Name

Email: <-Your Email

Your Tutorial

What form are you submitting?
Link to a webpage
Link to a Youtube video
A word document

What is the name of the prop/tutorial?
<-Tutorial Name

Which category does it best fit into:

Paper mache & Monster Mud
Faux paint & Finishes
Mad Scientist
Haunted Manor
Everything Else

Give a brief description of your prop. Be sure to include some keywords to help people who use the search box better find your prop.
<-Describe your Tutorial

If your tutorial is on a webpage or a YouTube video place the URL link to it here:
This should be the direct link to that specific page or video

If your tutorial is in parts and you will need to add future parts to it please set up a password now:
<-Set a Password

If you are emailing a word document you can do that once you submit this form.

Please have a picture of your finished prop ready to upload on the next page.

Add your banner

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